
2023年11月28日—IQServercanbeconfiguredtoinstallaSonatypeLicensefileautomatically.1.Opentheconfig.ymlfileandfindthefollowingoption.,DockerizedversionofNexusIQServer.Contributetosonatype/docker-nexus-iq-serverdevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub...LicensedundertheApache ...,ASonatypelicensemaycontainaccesstomultipleSonatypesolutions.Eachsolutionenablesvariousfeaturesdependingonthesolutionsyoup...

Automatic License Installation

2023年11月28日 — IQ Server can be configured to install a Sonatype License file automatically. 1. Open the config.yml file and find the following option.

license - sonatypedocker-nexus-iq

Dockerized version of Nexus IQ Server. Contribute to sonatype/docker-nexus-iq-server development by creating an account on GitHub ... Licensed under the Apache ...

License and Features

A Sonatype license may contain access to multiple Sonatype solutions. Each solution enables various features depending on the solutions you purchased.

Nexus IQ Server

Nexus IQ Server is a policy engine powered by precise intelligence on open source components. It provides a number of tools to improve component usage in ...

nexus-iq-server 102.0.1

The license file can be installed via the UI when IQ server is running, or it can be done as a part of the deploy. If you leave the licenseFile field empty/ ...


The license file can be installed via the UI when IQ server is running, or it can be done as a part of the deploy. If you leave the licenseFile field empty/ ...


Installer for Nexus IQ Server. Contribute to sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-iq-server-installer development by creating an account on GitHub.


The IQ Server product license is stored using Java preferences API. By default, the directory location is already customized by a Java system property to be ...